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Le GPS Art : Quand course à pied rime avec créativité
La course à pied est souvent perçue comme un moyen d'améliorer sa forme physique, de libérer son esprit ou de relever des défis personnels. Mais saviez-vous que certains coureurs ont trouvé un moyen de combiner leur passion pour la course à pied avec l'art? Bienvenue dans l'univers du GPS Art!
6 erreurs de débutant en course à pied et comment les éviter
Le monde de la course à pied est une véritable aventure remplie de découvertes, d’accomplissements personnels et de bien-être physique. Mais comme toute nouvelle activité, les débutants peuvent facilement commettre certaines erreurs. Si vous avez récemment découvert ce sport ou envisagez de vous lancer, voici six des erreurs de débutant
How to calculate your optimal heart rate for running?
La course à pied est un sport qui séduit de nombreux adeptes, que ce soit pour la compétition, le bien-être ou simplement pour rester en forme. L'une des clés pour optimiser ses performances et éviter les blessures est de bien gérer sa fréquence cardiaque. Dans cet article, nous vous guiderons
The Benefits of Running for Mental Health
It’s undeniable that running has positive effects on physical health. Regular joggers often enjoy better endurance, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of heart diseases. But the benefits of running don't stop there. Beyond its physical advantages, running also offers a wide range of mental health benefits. This article
Should you stretch after running? Two schools of thought clash!
Running, one of the most popular sports worldwide, is accompanied by a multitude of techniques and practices aimed at improving performance, preventing injuries, and promoting recovery. Among these practices, the question of post-run stretching is one of the most debated. Is it really necessary to stretch after a run? Let’s
Why does the perception of music tempo change when running to the extreme?
If you're a passionate runner, you may have experienced a strange phenomenon during your toughest runs: the music seems to slow down. As you push your body to its limits, the upbeat rhythm that kept you motivated for most of your run suddenly feels like it’s slowing down. Why does
How much protein does a runner really need?
Running is one of the most practiced sports in the world. From professional athletes to weekend joggers, every runner aims to optimize their performance while maintaining their health. Among the crucial elements of a runner’s nutrition, protein plays a significant role. But how much is really needed? Let’s find out
What is VO2Max?
The world of running is full of technical terms, including VO2Max. Whether you're an experienced runner or a beginner, understanding this concept can help you better assess your fitness and adjust your training. In this article, we will demystify VO2Max, explain its importance, and offer some tips to improve it.
How to prepare your homemade isotonic drink?
When engaging in intense physical activities like running, it’s crucial to stay properly hydrated to maintain your performance and support optimal recovery. Isotonic drinks play a vital role in this process, as they help maintain electrolyte balance and provide energy during exertion. In this article, we will explain what an
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